On the Shop & Sail online store, we offer you a page dedicated to safety and signaling for your long-distance catamaran or sailboat cruises.
In this category, you’ll find a selection of essential equipment to ensure your safety at sea.
We offer a range of navigation lights complying with international standards. These lights are essential for signalling your presence and direction to other vessels, improving visibility and safety during night navigation or in poor visibility conditions.
Flag poles and flags are used to display communication signals between ships. We offer different models of poles and flags to enable you to display the appropriate signals depending on the situation.
A bilge pump is an essential piece of equipment for evacuating water that may accumulate inside your boat in the event of water infiltration or severe weather. We offer reliable and efficient bilge pumps to ensure the safety and stability of your vessel.
Safety equipment includes various mandatory and recommended items to ensure the safety of the crew on board. This can include life jackets, distress flares, fire extinguishers, signaling mirrors, first aid kits, etc. We offer a large selection of items that comply with current regulations.
At Shop & Sail, we prioritize maritime safety above all. All the products we offer in this category are carefully selected for their quality and compliance with safety standards.